This chapter describes Generic Packet Filter (FLT) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
FLT.001 |
Short Syntax: FLT.001 no free mem to create structure_type
Long Syntax: FLT.001 No free memory to create a structure_type
Description: This message is generated when the filtering subsystem cannot allocate the memory to hold a data structure to hold filtering information. This results in a filter not being built.
FLT.002 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: FLT.002 cant apply fltr (offset filter_offset), pkt too shrt (ln packet_offset)
Long Syntax: FLT.002 Cannot apply filter (offset filter_offset), to packet of length packet_offset
Description: This message is generated when the maximum offset in a filter is larger than the length of a packet. The filter is not applied to the packet.
FLT.003 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: FLT.003 no mem to cache pkt (max cache_entries_allocated)
Long Syntax: FLT.003 No memory to cache packet (maximum cache_entries_allocated)
Description: This message is generated if a filter is attempting to create a cache entry but cannot do so because there is no available memory on the heap. Instead, an existing entry is reused from the filter.
FLT.004 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: FLT.004 crtng flt, sys system_name
Long Syntax: FLT.004 Creating filter for system system_name
Description: A filter is being created for the router system identified by system_name
FLT.005 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: FLT.005 flt che hit, sys system_name
Long Syntax: FLT.005 Filter cache hit, system system_name
Description: A filter produced a cache hit. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.
FLT.006 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: FLT.006 flt match, sys system_name
Long Syntax: FLT.006 Filter match, system system_name
Description: A filter produced a match, but with no cache hit. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.
FLT.007 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: FLT.007 flt miss, sys system_name
Long Syntax: FLT.007 Filter miss, system system_name
Description: A filter was applied to a block a data, but not match was found. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.